




Charlotte Harbor is one of the oldest areas in Charlotte County. It was platted in the 1860s around what is now the Charlotte Harbor fishing pier. During the Civil War, the pier was used to ship cattle to the Confederate Army. 战后, the pier continued to operate as a focus of trade with Cuba and other Caribbean islands. The area around the pier saw the construction of a grid of streets developed with homes, 商店, 邮局, 还有一座教堂.

This area remained relatively unchanged until the 1970s when development of the surrounding Port Charlotte area accelerated. This development lead to the realignment of U.S. 41, bisecting the Charlotte Harbor neighborhood and impacting the depth of commercial parcels along the U.S. 夏洛特港41号走廊. 美国的六车道.S. 41 brought more traffic but impacted the access and frontage of existing businesses along the corridor. Lack of central sewer and adequate water pressure for fire protection resulted in less private investment as developers looked further north of the area to build new commercial developments. Housing stock began to deteriorate as the residential market also moved further north to larger lots with additional amenities. Charlotte Harbor experienced a drastic drop in property values.

在20世纪90年代初, residents and small 企业主 began to recognize the need to band together to reverse the blight of Charlotte Harbor. The Charlotte Harbor Committee was formed by volunteers who first met with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office to develop a neighborhood watch group to deter crime. Following moderate success from this activity, the group next planned and executed "Clean Up Days", which addressed the debris that had collected on abandoned lots. As the success of these efforts became apparent, the group was able to convince the Charlotte County Board of 县委员会ers (BCC) to declare the area a 社区 Redevelopment Area.

In 1992, the BCC designated Charlotte Harbor a 社区 Redevelopment Area pursuant to Florida Statutes, 第163节.330 and also declared themselves the 社区 Redevelopment Agency in charge of overseeing the redevelopment of the area. 由七人组成的顾问委员会, called the 社区 Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, was created for the purpose of working directly with residents, 商人和政府官员. 自1994年以来, the committee has worked hard to build consensus between all the various interests in the neighborhood as well as advise the BCC. 由于居民们的努力, 企业主, CRAAC成员, 县里的工作人员, the property appraiser's office reported that the property values in the area stopped declining in 1998.

In 2003, the BCC approved a reoccurring funding source called tax increment for the area which has and will continue to provide the opportunity for the 夏洛特港CRA to leverage local tax dollars with grant dollars to implement projects.

Charlotte Harbor was severly impacted by Hurricane Charley in 2004, 因为许多建筑物被损坏或拆毁. One positive outcome was the use of grant funds to provide a central sewer system and improved water pressure to the area. The CRA is governed by land use standards found both in the Charlotte 2050 全面的计划 and the Charlotte County Land Development Code. 详情请浏览: 社区发展

夏洛特港振兴计划 ——6月23日, 2015 the Board of 县委员会ers adopted the 夏洛特港振兴计划 and Future Land Use Map changes. One of the main changes is the creation of the Riverwalk Subdistrict. The new district establishes a maximum density of 24 units per acre and a maximum height of 90 feet based on performance standards. The intent of the new district is to encourage private investment in the area adjacent to the US41 bridges and parallel to the waterfront. 欲知详情,请浏览 2015年通过综合方案变更. The changes became effective on August 31, 2015.


Several major improvements including the completion of the central sewer system, 提高消防用水能力, 海滨橡树公园的开发, and the demolition of deteriorated properties have improved the area. Crime has been reduced, and small private sector investments have been made. The vision implemented through architectural standards and improvements to pedestrian access to the waterfront have resulted in private investment in the area and has positioned this area for future development.


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